Friday Favorites – Episode 81

This week has been a busy one for me… I haven’t had a lot of unusual appointments on my schedule, but I’ve been trying to accomplish a lot. In addition to my usual cooking, baking, and writing, I’ve also been in the process of redesigning the site… Making changes to the site are also pretty time consuming for me. I have been known to stare at different fonts for 2 hours at a time and rearrange the same widgets 10 times because I can’t decide which layout looks best!

Last Minute Cookie Designs (WFMW)

Christmas is just a few short days away… Can you believe it?

While I find it amusing to spend hours upon end decorating cookies, I know that not everyone shares my love of piping bags and royal icing. I’m OK with that. If you can’t be bothered with worrying about outlining and flooding cookies or mixing up a rainbow of icing colors, then this post is for you!

Simple Tomato Sauce with a Food Mill (WFMW)

I love to make fresh tomato sauce, but I do not enjoy peeling and seeding tomatoes… At all!

Last summer, I got a big bag of tomatoes (about 40 pounds) from a local farm stand and decided that I wanted to make sauce to freeze so that I would have it for the winter. Fortunately, my mom was kind enough to lend me her food mill so that I wouldn’t have to suffer through all of the dreaded peeling and seeding. I loved it and put it on my wish list immediately (and my mom was kind enough to get me a food mill for my birthday later in the year!).

I’ve been surprised that we’ve still been getting quite a few tomatoes from our CSA this late in the season. So, in case you are still seeing lots of tomatoes, I thought I’d share my quick tutorial on making tomato sauce with a food mill. It’s a huge time saver, and it works for me!

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