Challenge: Braising and Stewing (Kitchen Bootcamp February)

February is here, so it’s time to announce the next Kitchen Bootcamp challenge! I was thrilled with all of the great soups submitted for the January challenge, and I’m hoping everyone will be just as excited about this month’s challenge…

Since many of us still have a few more weeks of chilly weather ahead of us, I thought it would be a good idea to take on another winter-appropriate chapter. This month, I thought I’d focus on braising and stewing meats (chapter 23 from The Professional Chef)… It’s a technique that I don’t utlize nearly enough, and this month I am determined to change that!

Challenge: Soups (Kitchen Bootcamp January)

Whether I’m ready or not, 2011 is here. I haven’t really outlined specific goals or made a list of resolutions for the year… However, if I did, I think that continuing to learn new things, particularly in the kitchen, would be pretty high on my list. Though I enjoy making familiar recipes, it’s the new recipes and techniques that I find to be the most fun.

So, I’m feeling a sense of renewal as we head into the January Kitchen Bootcamp challenge. I’m ready to tackle some new recipes, techniques, and flavors… And, I hope you’ll join me!

Challenge: Hors d’Oeuvre and Appetizers (Kitchen Bootcamp for the Holidays)

This time of the year, I can never seem to really focus on anything but the pending holidays. I absolutely love the whole “holiday season” from well before Thanksgiving until after New Years. I love cooking, baking, and entertaining… And, no other time of the year can compare! I imagine that most of you can relate.

So, with all of my holiday excitement (in addition to all of the other excitement and craziness in my life right now), I wasn’t nearly as diligent as I should have been about announcing a November Kitchen Bootcamp challenge. The more I thought about it, though, I realized that many of you are probably equally distracted at the moment and might not have the energy to do both a November and a December challenge. That’s a lot to add to the holiday season!

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