Peanut Butter Caramel Corn with Cashews

You really can’t go wrong when you combine sweet caramel with salty cashews. The caramel corn with cashews would have been perfectly fine and delicious on its own, but I couldn’t leave well enough alone. I am a big fan of peanut butter, so I decided to throw some peanut butter into the mix, too. It couldn’t hurt, right?

The peanut butter and caramel melt together to create a creamy and rich sauce. When you combine it with the popcorn and cashews, you end up with a crunchy snack that will satisfy your salty sweet cravings.

Cocoa Cardamom Espresso Roasted Almonds

If you’re hosting Thanksgiving dinner, hopefully you’ve already finalized your menu and are well on your way to a spectacular dinner! If not, you can always check out last week’s Friday Favorites for my collection of favorite Thanksgiving recipes.

Now that dinner’s taken care of, let’s talk about a fun snack for your guests to nibble on when they arrive. I always like to have a few bites and snacks available to keep everyone occupied while I’m cooking dinner and getting everything together.

Lately, one of my favorite snacks is roasted almonds. Almost everyone I know loves to munch on nuts (and they’re not so filling that they’ll spoil your dinner!), but I prefer to make my own than buy a can of pre-seasoned nuts. By roasting my own almonds, I have the opportunity to get a bit creative with fun flavors.

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