Friday Favorites – Episode 81

This week has been a busy one for me… I haven’t had a lot of unusual appointments on my schedule, but I’ve been trying to accomplish a lot. In addition to my usual cooking, baking, and writing, I’ve also been in the process of redesigning the site… Making changes to the site are also pretty time consuming for me. I have been known to stare at different fonts for 2 hours at a time and rearrange the same widgets 10 times because I can’t decide which layout looks best!

Creamy Carrot and Potato Soup

I loooove this soup!

That’s what I used to tell my mom when she made this soup for me when I was a kid… And, now that I’ve made it myself, I’m still raving about how much I love this soup!

I guess I should start at the beginning. Long before Lonely Island proclaimed their love for being on a boat, there were Bert and Ernie… You know who I’m talking about – from Sesame Street! Perhaps this clip will jog your memory a bit…

I watched quite a bit of Sesame Street in my day. So, when my mom made this carrot and potato soup for me when I was a kid, I would walk around letting everyone know how I felt about the soup, Ernie style. In fact, my mom has a handwritten note in her cookbook that says “Jenny LOVES this soup!” (Yes, I was known as Jenny back then, too… And, there may be a few people who still call me that.)

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