Meet Madison!

Meet Madison!

I am happy to announce that our little one has finally arrived!

I’d love to introduce you to the newest sous chef in my kitchen… Madison Faith was born last Monday morning… She was an even 7 pounds and measured 20 1/4 inches.

Darron and I are both completely smitten with our little girl, and Yellowdog is now a proud big sister.  We’ve all been enjoying some down time at home getting to know little Madison better.  Yellowdog has been especially great, giving her lots of puppy kisses and keeping a close eye on her when we go for walks together.

I wanted to make sure I had some treats for the doctors and nurses at the hospital, as well as guests who were stopping by to meet Miss Madison, so naturally, I baked cookies!  Don’t worry, I baked them a week or two in advance of our due date and stashed them in the freezer so they’d be ready whenever she arrived.

Having a new baby in the house is certainly an adjustment, but it is a welcome change. We are all getting used to each other’s new schedules and loving all of the snuggle time with the little one.  Of course, that does mean that I haven’t been spending much time in the kitchen!

So, I hope you’ll understand that things may slow down here a little bit over the coming weeks.  I do have a few recipes ready to share with you, and I plan to get back into the swing of things gradually. I’ll be back soon… And, in the meantime, you can help me celebrate with a cookie!


  1. Big hugs to the whole family – I bet Madison already has a tiny spatula waiting for her in the kitchen!

  2. Paula says:

    Oh Jen! Madison Faith is just beautiful, as is her name. Congratulations on her safe arrival. You look like you were born to be a Momma in the pictures.

    Sweet cookies that I’m sure everyone delighted in. Enjoy your beautiful little daughter and thanks for sharing her photos with us.

  3. Tracey says:

    Congratulations Jen, she’s beautiful!! I love the name too! Enjoy your time together :)

  4. I feel so happy for you and Darron! What a doll! Your cookies are lovely. Did someone make her hat? I am a knitter and would love the hat if it is available online. Best wishes to you!

    1. Hi, Sue – Believe it or not (and I’m still surprised myself), I actually made her hat! I’m not much of a knitter, but I was determined to make one. I just bought a book at the craft store with baby hat patterns and worked through it.

  5. Oh Jenn she is adorable!

  6. Congrats Jen! I expect you will be visiting and sharing Madison in the area soon!

  7. Congratulations! She is simply beautiful.

  8. You look so happy!! She is just precious. A relaly beautiful newborn, Jen. I’m thrilled for you! Enjoy those early days, they are so fleeting. xoox

  9. Jen, she is just fantastically gorgeous, and it fills me with such joy to see *you* so filled with joy. Such wonderful treats – you spoil people!

    Lots of love to you, Darron, YD, and of course, Miss Madison!

  10. Jen she is just gorgeous!!

    I am so so happy for you…I know how badly you wanted this sweet baby, and you are going to be such a wonderful mother. This Christmas will be the best one yet for your sweet family.

    Enjoy these first few weeks at home. Get plenty of rest and soak it all in.

  11. Jeanne says:

    Hooray, hooray! Congratulations to all of you! And welcome to baby Madison!

  12. Beth says:

    Congratulations Jen! So darling!

  13. Congrats to both. She is adorable…and I love her big sister :-)

  14. Jodi Pavlik says:

    She is perfect! I love her name!! Enjoy being a mommy, congrats!!

  15. Megan says:

    Oh, my goodness. She is so lovely, and I love seeing that huge mama grin on your face. Do not rush back to blogging; we’ll be here no matter when you return! <3

  16. Oh Jen… CONGRATS!!!! She is precious and so happy to hear that mommy and baby are doing so well!

  17. Jen, she is gorgeous. The saying about sleeping when the baby sleeps is true. Don’t worry about the blog, either. I know easier said than done, but do your best and enjoy your little girl!

  18. Congratulations! She is beautiful. I also love the cookies. Good planning on your part to have something to give out to the doctors/nurses and visitors. I will have to remember that for the future. Enjoy her!

  19. Kristen says:

    Please take your time and enjoy every, single minute with her. There is nothing more important right now than just hanging out with her and being her mama! Congrats. She is beautiful and I am so happy for you. So happy!

  20. Such a beautiful little daughter you have Jen. I am so happy for you and your new little family. Your cookies are adorable and I applaud you for getting them stashed away until just the proper time. Madison is a lucky little girl to have a mommy like you. She’s going to love cooking and baking with you in the kitchen! Enjoy every moment but don’t forget to sleep while she naps. You need your rest, just as much as she does.

  21. Congratulations on the new arrival. Babies are such a blessing, enjoy every minute. She is such a cutie, and the cookies are great too. Congrats again.

  22. Oh my goodness I am so happy for you!! My little guy turned one last month and reading your post brought back so many wonderful memories. I second what Kristen said – enjoy and savor every second with her!! Congratulations!!!

  23. She’s beautiful! Congratulations, Jen!

  24. CONGRATS! Big hugs to all. Beautiful, Jen.

  25. Jendi says:

    Thanks so much for sharing the beautiful pictures! Many congratulations and best wishes for all 4 of you. :)

  26. Terri A. says:

    Love the name! She is beautiful and your cookies are really cute!

  27. Felice says:

    Congratulations. She is absolutely beautiful.

  28. What a little cutie pie;)

  29. Deborah says:

    Congratulations – she is gorgeous!!

  30. Julie says:

    Congratulations to your family – she’s beautiful! (As are the custom-made cookies!) Enjoy every minute!

  31. She is lovely Jen and you are absolutely radiant. I must say Yellow Dog looks a bit downcast; losing her position in the family as the only maybe? I’m sure she will love her little sis!

    The cookies are almost as cute as your daughter! Huge congratulations to both you and Darron. Enjoy every single moment.

  32. georgiegirl says:

    Jen, Congratulations to all of you on the arrival of your beautiful Madison. I don’t think there is any greater joy in this world than to be blessed with a healthy baby. Please enjoy every stage of her life, for they grow up too fast to do otherwise. She will show you the world through her eyes, and change your life forever. Thank you for sharing the pictures (and those cookies look marvelous!!).

  33. Gail says:


    Sending all of you big hugs!

  34. Stephanie says:

    Welcome Madison! Congratulations on the arrival of your baby girl. Enjoy this special time together!

  35. This makes my heart so very happy. Congratulations to you all on this joyful arrival.

  36. annabelle says:

    Congrats!!!! She is adorable. God Bless

  37. She is just precious! I love the cookies as well and it makes me want to bake some for our Dr and nurses for our little Olivia!

  38. She is just beautiful, Jen – big big congrats to your family, from ours!

  39. Jill says:

    Awwww!! Congratulations! What a sweet little girl.

  40. She is so beautiful, Jen! Love the sweet picture of the two of you together…and of course, Yellowdog. Enjoy kissing those sweet little fingers and toes!

  41. Janet says:

    Congratulations – she is beautiful!


  42. Amy says:

    Congratulations y’all! What a precious and beautiful little girl. I hope the coming days will be sweet AND you’ll be able to get some rest too!

  43. Congratulations! She’s adorable!!

  44. Maggy says:

    Congratulations! She is absolutely gorgeous. You must be beyond thrilled – and tired :) Can’t wait to meet her, Jen. Love the name Madison too.

  45. Winnie says:

    She is the cutest!!! And those cookies? You are truly unbelievable, Jen!

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