Weighing In

I was recently inspired to buy a kitchen scale when I received a baking cookbook that contained measurements in grams, instead of cups.  I had always been aware that the most accurate way to measure ingredients when baking was to weigh them, but it was always so much easier to just whip out the measuring cups and go about my way.  I was eager to try some of the recipes in the book, though, so I purchased the OXO Good Grips Food Scale with Pullout Display.

A few months later, I have only made one recipe from the baking cookbook (I intend to make more), but I find myself using my scale on a daily basis.  It has helped me to be much more accurate when writing recipes, and when cooking from someone else’s recipes. Now I know when I have exactly two ounces of shredded cheese or half a pound of ground turkey from a 1 1/3 pound package! The main thing I learned was that I was overcompensating a lot – adding extra ingredients just to make sure I had enough!  While I try to eat all things in moderation, adding the right amount of cheese to a recipe can make a big difference in the fat content – taking a recipe from moderate to not-so healthy.

If you are considering buying a kitchen scale, I would recommend the OXO scale. Here are some features to consider:

  • Ability to zero the scale after placing items on to measure additional ingredients
  • 11 pound capacity
  • Measures in 1/8 ounce or 1 gram increments
  • Pull-out display for weighing large, bulky items

One comment

  1. jenn says:

    I used orzo pasta and it was delish!!

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